23 September 2009

trying to de-stress my bridesmaid(s)

You read that correctly. I am trying to de-stress them, not currently the other way around.
I don't as of yet have any sort of wedding dress/costume and have had no plans to even start looking or sewing for another couple weeks. I am fine with this and haven't been worried about it, but it's causing concern for some of them. It's amusing to me.
They will be happy to know that I talked to my friend and belly dance instructor, Sue. She is helping me with (or probably doing most of) my dress. We even went fabric shopping today, though I didn't actually come back with much of anything. Oh well, I still don't plan on starting anything until after the first weekend of october anyhow.

I won't pretend that I haven't been getting stressed out at all. Well, it's not exactly that I feel stressed as I know most of the stuff is done already (besides my dress - heehee) and I am on top of anything that remains. Most of the 'stress' for me is that I am just getting tired of it all. I'm not worried that things won't get done on time, etc., I am simply tired.
With that said, tomorrow is costume shopping with my brother. He hasn't been having any luck finding his costume so hopefully we will come across what he has been looking for.

For now, I have to go as I have a cat sitting behind me, tapping on my shoulder and purring in my ear, reminding me that she comes first. I am already risking her wrath in typing this last bit, but I had better not push it too far, so goodbye my sweets.

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