19 June 2009

just felt like typing

nothing of any great interest to share, I just had the urge to write and couldn't think of what to write about. So here I am.
I apologize in advance to anyone who stumbles upon this post and actually takes the time to listen to me ramble on about nothing in particular. (Note: this was also an early warning...if you aren't into only somewhat coherent babbling, now is your chance to get out.)
I think I am just procrastinating..........again. This will be shocking news to those who know me well. Try not to fall off your seats in astonishment.
I should/could be working on any number of projects. With regards to the wedding I am currently working on music choices. I am getting tired of loading cds into the computer though. I think my ipod is starting to dislike me. I swear it is trying to send me messages about dj's, but I refuse to listen. I am standing firm and refusing to keep letting inanimate objects tell me what to do.
I would like to think that I am getting near the end of this, but we haven't even gotten together with our super-fantastic and musically gifted friend Adam yet (while we genuinely feel this way about Adam, I am not above using my feelings to suck up) so I have no idea what more work is to come.
Let's see, other wedding related goings on. Our invites are done, we think we have found rings but need to make a final decision and then order them, we found and booked an officiant with whom we are very happy - he may come costumed as well, the liqueur license is in which we have to pick up tomorrow in case of an LCBO strike, and we just had a food meeting with the berkeley though we don't have the tasting until september. I am sure there must be more we have done or are doing, but that's what I can recall.
Well, I've made lots of lists. I really like my lists....Really, really...........A lot.
I've been known to make lists about what to make lists about. Complete with headings and sub headings, pros and cons, different colours and styles of fonts and sometimes I even manage a footnote or two. I'm getting excited just thinking about it.
And now I am dragging Peter into my to-do filled world. It's fun to share. I am sure he appreciates it.

hunger is now winning out over my desire to prattle on. So till next time, have a splendiferous day!