08 February 2009

details/general info

So you have decided to attend our wedding (or perhaps you are still pondering, in which case you should just decide to come already). It is halloween themed so here are some details and a few things you may find helpful:

the date - friday 30th october 2009

the local
the berkeley
315 Queen east, Toronto, ON
M5A 1S7
(for both ceremony and reception)

the time
- 7:00pm I think, have to get a confirmation on that one - confirmed, it's officially 700


the great pumpkin chasers (a.k.a. the wedding party)

well that would be Peter....and me (April) appearing as the groom and bride respectively (just in case there was any confusion).

faerie maidens
Robin Hegadoren
Rebekaah Uhrinek
Theadora Sideras

Graham Kelly
Roger Llewellyn
Simon Bolduc

the most amazing, fantastical, enchanting flower girl ever (we are not biased, this is a scientific fact)
Kelly Wright


This is a dress up party and costumes are encouraged (home-made is awesome and a chance to see what strange and wonderful things are lurking at the back of your closet). We do understand that dressing up may not be for everyone and can cause undue amounts of stress for some. If you fall into this category then skip the costume and come in whatever makes you feel comfortable. We just want you to be there to celebrate with us!

the 'event'
This is a cocktail style party that will start with a short ceremony followed by dancing and general merriment. There will be drinks and appetizers throughout the night, but as we are not having a 'proper' dinner we recommend grabbing a bite before the ceremony. We're hoping to have some eatery suggestions for you, but that is yet to come.
As this is a cocktail event we ask that you leave kids...angels...brats...(fill in adjective of your choosing here) at home; preferably with someone to care for them as we do not wish to be responsible for any neglect.

places to stay
We don't have this info yet, but hopefully will have some recommedations in the future. For those who need to plan ahead (this is for my fellow obsessive compulsives), The Berkeley address is above. It is located just east of the Yonge and Queen street intersection (about a 15-20 minute walk or 5-10 min streetcar ride). For out of towners, Yonge and Queen is in the heart of downtown Toronto, right by the south entrance to the Eaton Centre and close to the theatre district.

update - there are a ton of hotels in downtown toronto, so feel free to explore options on your own, but in an effort to make life a little easier we tried to find a couple recommendations with some reasonable rates. Suggest you check internet rates as they are often better deals. Both of these locations are in the downtown core and a short taxi ride from the venue. Hope it's helpful. For more information follow this link to our post simply about hotel recommendations http://tarnishedtaffeta.blogspot.com/2009/04/hotel-recommendations.html

Holiday Inn Express - 111 Lombard Street, Toronto, ON, M5C 2T9 www.hiexpress.com/h/d/ex/1/en/hotel/yyzls

Days Hotel and conference centre - 30 Carlton Street, Toronto, ON, M5B 2E9 http://www.dayshoteltoronto.ca/

Not done yet. We are still mourning the loss of Canadian Tire as a registry option (as they have discontinued this service - we have put a hex on them). We are probably going to go with Kitchen Stuff Plus and Home Outfitters so you can look for our names there in the future or we will keep you updated here.

update - registries are done - finally. For more details follow this link http://tarnishedtaffeta.blogspot.com/2009/04/registry-completedarrrgh-or-take-off-gh.html
here are the basics

kitchen stuff plus - http://www.kitchenstuffplus.com/giftregistry/index.php?m=29
registry #1242

homeoutfitters - http://www.hbc.com/registry/find.aspx?gs=GIFTREGISTRY&site=bay&langid=EN
registry #08161226

sears - http://www.giftregistry.sears.ca/gift/egrSearch002.jsp
registry #200909336176

a name note
As delighted as I am to be part of the Kelly clan, I am still me. My name will remain as is. I only mention this here because it is important that I do not become lost in someone elses identity or tied into a role as 'Mrs'. I would prefer to be refered to by my name only - ok, the various nicknames that have been attributed to me still apply. Thanks for respecting my wishes.

a map

the end
Peter and I will fill in missing info here as we acquire it. We will also add anything else that might be of interest, ie. suggested activities for out or towners, etc. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to post comments and we will do our best to respond accordingly. TTFN darlin's.

April & Peter


Anonymous said...

I'll be there with bells on. Literally.

Michelle said...

I am SO STOKED for your wedding, kidlets. FOR REALS. I'm tired, bloated, a little irritable and ready to pop a baby at any moment - but dammit, love is in the freakin' air and my man and I get to masquerade for your nuptuals. This is going to be the Best.Halloween.Ever.

Also - great choice to do cocktails, snacks and dancing. Those are my three favorite things!

Again, happy happy. Joy joy.